Social Cognition

Understanding Self and Others

Gordon B. Moskowitz

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
October 26, 2004
ISBN 9781593850869
Price: $113.00
612 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
October 27, 2004
ISBN 9781593850852
Price: $75.00
612 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
November 1, 2013
Price: $75.00
612 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $150.00 $90.00
612 Pages
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Introduction: What Does It Mean to "Know" Something?

1. Naive Realism: The Construction of Reality in the Pursuit of Social Knowledge

2. Automaticity and Control

3. Categories and Category Structure: Person Memory Informs Impression Formation Processes

4. On Schemas and Cognitive Misers: Mental Representation as the Building Blocks of Impressions

5. Dual-Process Models

6. Attribution

7. Correspondence Bias and Spontaneous Trait Inference

8. Shortcoming and Biases in Person Perception

9. On Perceptual Readiness: Chronic Sources of Judgmental Influence

10. Temporary Accessibility/Priming Effects: Assimilation and Contrast in Impression Formation

11. Stereotypes and Expectancies

12. Control of Stereotypes and Expectancies

13. From the Intra- to the Interpersonal: Bridging the Gap from Cognition to Behavior