Art Therapy and Health Care
Edited by Cathy A. Malchiodi

The e-book editions of this title sold by Guilford and other e-book vendors feature many full-color photographs. (If you have a black-and-white e-reader, the illustrations will appear in black and white, as in the print book.)
I. Art Therapy with Child and Adolescent Patients
1. Adaptive Art Therapy with Children Who Have Physical Challenges and Chronic Medical Issues, Pamela Ullmann
2. Understanding Children’s Drawings in Medical Settings, Margaret Carpenter Arnett and Cathy A. Malchiodi
3. Art Therapy and Child Life: An Integrated Approach to Psychosocial Care with Pediatric Oncology Patients, Cathy A. Malchiodi and Ellen Goldring
4. Art Therapy with Children and Adolescents Who Have Epilepsy, Janice Havlena and Carl E. Stafstrom
5. Art Therapy with Children Who Have Asthma, Anya Beebe
6. Expressive Arts with Grieving Children, Rebekah Near
7. Digital Art Therapy with Hospitalized Children, Cathy A. Malchiodi and Emily R. Johnson
II. Art Therapy with Adult Patients
8. Art Therapy as a Form of Visual Narrative in Oncology Care, Jill V. McNutt
9. Using Imagery to Address Physical and Psychological Trauma, Ephrat Huss and Orly Sarid
10. Expressive Arts and Breast Cancer: Restoring Femininity, Fiona Chang
11. Healing across Cultures: Arts in Health Care with American Indian and Alaska Native Cancer Survivors, Elizabeth Warson
12. In Body and Soul: Art Therapy with Socially Excluded People Living with HIV and AIDS, Marta Tagarro and Susana Catarino
13. Art Therapy with HIV-Positive/AIDS Patients, Luis Formaiano
14. Art Therapy and Hemodialysis: Coping Creatively with Kidney Failure, Rachel C. Schreibman
15. Focusing-Oriented Art Therapy with People Who Have Chronic Illnesses, Laury Rappaport
16. Art Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation with Adults, Marcia Weisbrot
17. Art Therapy, Creative Apperception, and Rehabilitation from Traumatic Brain Injury, Margaret M. McGuinness and Kathy J. Schnur
18. Art Therapy with Patients Who Have Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment, Angel C. Duncan
III. Art Therapy with Groups and Families
19. An Open Art Studio Model, Jill V. McNutt
20. Young Adult Bereavement Art Group, Hannah K. Hunter, Donald Lewis, and Catherine Donovan
21. Bringing the Family into Medical Art Therapy, Elizabeth Sanders Martin
22. Beyond the Patient: Art and Creativity for Staff, Management, Executives, and Organizational Change, Deborah Koff-Chapin
IV. Professional Issues in Art Therapy and Health Care
23. Patient Art Exhibitions in Health Care Settings, Emily R. Johnson
24. Art Therapy Interventions with Clinical Supervision Groups in a Pediatric Health Care Setting, Shari L. Racut
25. Physiological Measures in Evidence-Based Art Therapy Research, Elizabeth Warson and John Lorance
Ethical Standards
Cultural Considerations for Art Therapy in Health Care Settings
Art Materials and Medical Settings: Safety and Infection Control