CBT with Justice-Involved Clients
Interventions for Antisocial and Self-Destructive Behaviors
Raymond Chip Tafrate, Damon Mitchell, and David J. Simourd
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMay 25, 2018
ISBN 9781462534920
Price: $71.00 307 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderMay 26, 2018
ISBN 9781462534906
Price: $47.00 307 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Grounded in science and clinical experience, this treatment planner provides essential tools for conducting cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with justice-involved clients in a wide range of settings. Guidelines are presented for assessment, case formulation, and intervention to alter criminogenic thinking and destructive lifestyle patterns. With a focus on reducing recidivism, the book demonstrates ways to enhance clients' motivation for change and elicit prosocial values and life priorities. Practitioner-friendly features include case examples, recommended assessment instruments, over 35 sample scripts, and 27 reproducible forms and worksheets; the large-size format facilitates photocopying. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
Winner—Significant Contribution Award, Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association
Winner—Significant Contribution Award, Criminal Justice Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association
This title is part of the Treatment Plans and Interventions for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Series, edited by Robert L. Leahy.