Computerized Adaptive Testing
From Concept to Implementation
David J. Weiss and Alper Şahin
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderJune 3, 2024
ISBN 9781462554515
Price: $79.00360 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“This comprehensive book on CAT is unique in being an authored work with a coherent style and perspective. It covers all aspects of using CAT, including the development of item banks and operational systems along with the technical details of item calibration, proficiency estimation, and practical requirements, such as exposure control and content balancing. Also included is a historical overview of the development of the concepts underlying CAT. Written at an accessible level, the book does not require a strong background in psychometrics. It is an excellent resource for anyone with administrative responsibility for a CAT system, or for courses in applied measurement.”

—Mark Reckase, PhD, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, College of Education, Michigan State University
“This book is great—it is the most easy-to-understand material on CAT I have read. It covers a wide range of research, from the early days of CAT to today. I recommend this book to any student who is interested in CAT, as well as anyone trying to develop a CAT program.”

—T. Chris Oshima, PhD, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Georgia State University
“This book meets a need in the measurement field for a comprehensive introductory presentation of CAT. It covers the basics in an accessible way, while also making clear the range of applications and contexts in which the basic CAT approach can be extended, as well as areas in need of future research.”

—Daniel M. Bolt, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison
“Weiss has been involved with CAT from the beginning—he even gave the process its name. Reading this incredibly detailed, practical guide is like having Weiss as a consultant. He offers step-by-step advice on the development and implementation of a CAT system, based largely on his experience, his own research, and that of his students. This book is an invaluable resource for testing and measurement professionals who are considering or implementing a CAT system, as well as graduate students in training.”

—David Thissen, PhD, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (Emeritus), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

—Mark Reckase, PhD, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, College of Education, Michigan State University
“This book is great—it is the most easy-to-understand material on CAT I have read. It covers a wide range of research, from the early days of CAT to today. I recommend this book to any student who is interested in CAT, as well as anyone trying to develop a CAT program.”

—T. Chris Oshima, PhD, Department of Educational Policy Studies, Georgia State University
“This book meets a need in the measurement field for a comprehensive introductory presentation of CAT. It covers the basics in an accessible way, while also making clear the range of applications and contexts in which the basic CAT approach can be extended, as well as areas in need of future research.”

—Daniel M. Bolt, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin–Madison
“Weiss has been involved with CAT from the beginning—he even gave the process its name. Reading this incredibly detailed, practical guide is like having Weiss as a consultant. He offers step-by-step advice on the development and implementation of a CAT system, based largely on his experience, his own research, and that of his students. This book is an invaluable resource for testing and measurement professionals who are considering or implementing a CAT system, as well as graduate students in training.”

—David Thissen, PhD, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience (Emeritus), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill