Imagery-Enhanced CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder
Peter M. McEvoy, Lisa M. Saulsman, and Ronald M. Rapee
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJanuary 17, 2018
ISBN 9781462535491
Price: $66.00 282 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderJanuary 26, 2018
ISBN 9781462533053
Price: $44.00 282 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
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“An excellent work that covers the most up-to-date research on and treatment for SAD. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on imagery, an aspect of CBT that many practitioners neglect in both their conceptualizations and treatment. Identifying and responding to relevant spontaneous images and inducing images for therapeutic effect can help clients change their cognitions at the emotional level. Therapists of any level of experience will find this book useful in constructing personal models of anxiety, focusing on the six maintaining factors of the disorder. The many case examples, session transcripts, and reproducible worksheets are valuable.”

—Judith S. Beck, PhD, President, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy
“Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in mental imagery among practitioners and scientists alike. Even our best psychological treatments do not work for everyone, and we need to improve our techniques. Research on the mental imagery enhancements described in this book suggests they increase treatment completion rates and reduce symptoms. McEvoy, Saulsman, and Rapee are pioneering experts who are well positioned to integrate imagery innovations with existing evidence-based treatments. This volume is a 'must have' for all interested in expanding their clinical skills by adding mental imagery techniques to their toolboxes. The authors are to be commended for a most exciting book!”

—Emily A. Holmes, DClinPsy, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
“This excellent book provides an intervention for individuals (or groups) with SAD that builds well on general CBT practice. The authors make a compelling case for the integration of imagery-based procedures as a means to increase the emotional impact of typical CBT procedures. They lay out their approach in a systematic and detailed but entirely accessible manner, which should be of great utility to novice clinicians and seasoned veterans alike.”

—Richard G. Heimberg, PhD, Department of Psychology and Director, Adult Anxiety Clinic of Temple, Temple University
“This is a wonderful, much-needed volume written by authors highly respected for their research on and treatment for SAD. The book provides a cogent rationale for the benefits of incorporating imagery-based interventions in therapy and presents a step-by-step description of each phase of an empirically validated imagery-enhanced CBT protocol. Case examples, detailed scripts, and downloadable worksheets and handouts are included. A particularly welcome feature is the emphasis on treatment process. Straightforward and clearly organized, the book provides exemplary guidance for professionals, including those with only introductory knowledge of CBT. I will use this book in my graduate CBT seminars, as well as in our training clinic.”

—Lynn E. Alden, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada

—Judith S. Beck, PhD, President, Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy
“Recent years have seen an explosion of interest in mental imagery among practitioners and scientists alike. Even our best psychological treatments do not work for everyone, and we need to improve our techniques. Research on the mental imagery enhancements described in this book suggests they increase treatment completion rates and reduce symptoms. McEvoy, Saulsman, and Rapee are pioneering experts who are well positioned to integrate imagery innovations with existing evidence-based treatments. This volume is a 'must have' for all interested in expanding their clinical skills by adding mental imagery techniques to their toolboxes. The authors are to be commended for a most exciting book!”

—Emily A. Holmes, DClinPsy, PhD, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
“This excellent book provides an intervention for individuals (or groups) with SAD that builds well on general CBT practice. The authors make a compelling case for the integration of imagery-based procedures as a means to increase the emotional impact of typical CBT procedures. They lay out their approach in a systematic and detailed but entirely accessible manner, which should be of great utility to novice clinicians and seasoned veterans alike.”

—Richard G. Heimberg, PhD, Department of Psychology and Director, Adult Anxiety Clinic of Temple, Temple University
“This is a wonderful, much-needed volume written by authors highly respected for their research on and treatment for SAD. The book provides a cogent rationale for the benefits of incorporating imagery-based interventions in therapy and presents a step-by-step description of each phase of an empirically validated imagery-enhanced CBT protocol. Case examples, detailed scripts, and downloadable worksheets and handouts are included. A particularly welcome feature is the emphasis on treatment process. Straightforward and clearly organized, the book provides exemplary guidance for professionals, including those with only introductory knowledge of CBT. I will use this book in my graduate CBT seminars, as well as in our training clinic.”

—Lynn E. Alden, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada