Neuroscience for the Mental Health Clinician
Second Edition
Steven R. Pliszka
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 21, 2016
ISBN 9781462527120
Price: $71.00 324 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderAugust 22, 2016
ISBN 9781462527113
Price: $47.00324 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“This thoroughly updated edition is an extremely valuable introduction to the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in understanding the neurobiological basis of psychiatric disorders.”

—Doody's Review Service
“This is an excellent book....The author ties his presentation of neurobiology and of genetics directly to topics of enormous clinical interest—topics such as memory, fear, pleasure, and aggression. And more than that, he explains the neurobiological bases of both the symptomatic presentation and the successful treatment of disorders ranging from depression and mania through personality disorders.”

—Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (on the first edition)
“The material in this book is highly relevant....I would like to see this book as required reading for all our medical students and psychiatric residents and would highly recommend it to biologically oriented psychologists, doctoral-level pharmacists, and other suitably prepared students and clinicians.”

—Psychiatric Services (on the first edition)
“As suggested by its title, Neuroscience for the Mental Health Clinician, by Steven R. Pliszka, is an important introductory resource for mental health clinicians who are interested in understanding how neurobiological advances can lead to new treatment and social policies for those who suffer from mental illness. However, the book's comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy makes it an excellent resource for anyone who wants to understand how the brain can affect behavior....The author has done a commendable job in trying to describe, in simple language, how the brain influences behavior and what impact that has on our understanding of the etiology of mental illness.”

—Psychological Medicine (on the first edition)
“This book is well written and crafted in an engaging style that captures the reader's attention....The book does an excellent job of covering as much as possible on an extremely broad and intricate topic....An excellent book that is highly recommended for all mental health professionals. It is also a great introductory text for teaching in psychiatric residency programs, particularly for residents who are interested in the study of genetics and mental illness.”

—Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (on the first edition)
“Dr. Pliszka has made an important contribution in helping mental health clinicians to orient themselves to the imperatives of neuroscience and the possibilities for future advancement.”

—Community Mental Health Journal (on the first edition)
“Impressive. Pliszka combines the warm, engaging style of an experienced teacher with the depth and breadth of a scientific leader. He carefully describes seminal studies of brain function in both healthy and disordered populations. This book provides a refreshing and dispassionately candid view of what is currently known about the relationship between behavior and neural networks, as well as how far we still need to go to improve understanding and treatment. The second edition incorporates state-of-the-art imaging studies, large-scale genetic and epigenetic experiments, and optogenetic advancements. This book could easily be used in clinical neuroscience courses for non-neuroscience graduate programs like clinical psychology. It also serves as a desk reference for practicing clinicians who wish to understand the latest technological breakthroughs.”

—Scott A. Langenecker, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago
“Since the first edition of this book was published, behavioral neuroscience has exploded with new research. The second edition focuses on how genetics, development, and the environment interact to shape brain networks and the implications of those networks. This book is ideal as a text for a neurobiology seminar for psychiatry residents, child psychiatry fellows, medical students, or psychology students, or as independent reading for clinicians who wish to understand how brain structure and function affect emotions and behavior. It offers cutting-edge, understandable explanations of current ideas regarding the biology of mental illness.”

—Mina K. Dulcan, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
“Addressing the neuroanatomy and neuropathological underpinnings of such disorders as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and mood disorders, the second edition of this extremely valuable resource has a new emphasis on networks. Pliszka underscores our burgeoning knowledge that the brain does not work in isolated units, but rather in concert across brain regions. He presents emerging empirical findings and transactional ideas that deepen our understanding of how the environment influences the brain, and vice versa. This book belongs in every practitioner's library.”

—Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, ABPdN, Division Director, Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Medical School

—Doody's Review Service
“This is an excellent book....The author ties his presentation of neurobiology and of genetics directly to topics of enormous clinical interest—topics such as memory, fear, pleasure, and aggression. And more than that, he explains the neurobiological bases of both the symptomatic presentation and the successful treatment of disorders ranging from depression and mania through personality disorders.”

—Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (on the first edition)
“The material in this book is highly relevant....I would like to see this book as required reading for all our medical students and psychiatric residents and would highly recommend it to biologically oriented psychologists, doctoral-level pharmacists, and other suitably prepared students and clinicians.”

—Psychiatric Services (on the first edition)
“As suggested by its title, Neuroscience for the Mental Health Clinician, by Steven R. Pliszka, is an important introductory resource for mental health clinicians who are interested in understanding how neurobiological advances can lead to new treatment and social policies for those who suffer from mental illness. However, the book's comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy makes it an excellent resource for anyone who wants to understand how the brain can affect behavior....The author has done a commendable job in trying to describe, in simple language, how the brain influences behavior and what impact that has on our understanding of the etiology of mental illness.”

—Psychological Medicine (on the first edition)
“This book is well written and crafted in an engaging style that captures the reader's attention....The book does an excellent job of covering as much as possible on an extremely broad and intricate topic....An excellent book that is highly recommended for all mental health professionals. It is also a great introductory text for teaching in psychiatric residency programs, particularly for residents who are interested in the study of genetics and mental illness.”

—Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (on the first edition)
“Dr. Pliszka has made an important contribution in helping mental health clinicians to orient themselves to the imperatives of neuroscience and the possibilities for future advancement.”

—Community Mental Health Journal (on the first edition)
“Impressive. Pliszka combines the warm, engaging style of an experienced teacher with the depth and breadth of a scientific leader. He carefully describes seminal studies of brain function in both healthy and disordered populations. This book provides a refreshing and dispassionately candid view of what is currently known about the relationship between behavior and neural networks, as well as how far we still need to go to improve understanding and treatment. The second edition incorporates state-of-the-art imaging studies, large-scale genetic and epigenetic experiments, and optogenetic advancements. This book could easily be used in clinical neuroscience courses for non-neuroscience graduate programs like clinical psychology. It also serves as a desk reference for practicing clinicians who wish to understand the latest technological breakthroughs.”

—Scott A. Langenecker, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Illinois at Chicago
“Since the first edition of this book was published, behavioral neuroscience has exploded with new research. The second edition focuses on how genetics, development, and the environment interact to shape brain networks and the implications of those networks. This book is ideal as a text for a neurobiology seminar for psychiatry residents, child psychiatry fellows, medical students, or psychology students, or as independent reading for clinicians who wish to understand how brain structure and function affect emotions and behavior. It offers cutting-edge, understandable explanations of current ideas regarding the biology of mental illness.”

—Mina K. Dulcan, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
“Addressing the neuroanatomy and neuropathological underpinnings of such disorders as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and mood disorders, the second edition of this extremely valuable resource has a new emphasis on networks. Pliszka underscores our burgeoning knowledge that the brain does not work in isolated units, but rather in concert across brain regions. He presents emerging empirical findings and transactional ideas that deepen our understanding of how the environment influences the brain, and vice versa. This book belongs in every practitioner's library.”

—Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, ABPdN, Division Director, Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Medical School