Psychotherapy of Abused and Neglected Children
Second Edition
John W. Pearce and Terry Dianne Pezzot-Pearce
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 11, 2006
ISBN 9781593852139
Price: $70.00411 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
John W. Pearce, PhD, is a staff psychologist in the Child Abuse Service at Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He also serves as the Coordinator of Consultation Services for the local Calgary child welfare authority, and is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Calgary. With his wife, Terry D. Pezzot-Pearce, he coauthored Parenting Assessments in Child Welfare Cases: A Practical Guide.
Terry Dianne Pezzot-Pearce, PhD, is a therapist and evaluator who sees children and parents from the child welfare system, among other clinical cases. She is a Practice Advisor for the Psychologists Association of Alberta and serves as a consultant to various programs and professionals regarding parenting assessments and other clinical and professional issues. Dr. Pezzot-Pearce utilizes an interdisciplinary collaborative law approach in some cases and is actively involved in the Round Table in Family Law in Alberta.
Terry Dianne Pezzot-Pearce, PhD, is a therapist and evaluator who sees children and parents from the child welfare system, among other clinical cases. She is a Practice Advisor for the Psychologists Association of Alberta and serves as a consultant to various programs and professionals regarding parenting assessments and other clinical and professional issues. Dr. Pezzot-Pearce utilizes an interdisciplinary collaborative law approach in some cases and is actively involved in the Round Table in Family Law in Alberta.