Reading and Writing in Preschool
Teaching the Essentials
Renée M. Casbergue and Dorothy S. Strickland
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 1, 2015
ISBN 9781462523481
Price: $50.00 164 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderDecember 2, 2015
ISBN 9781462523474
Price: $33.00 164 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“Informative, objective, insightful, and filled with practical applications. Both authors are experts in the field, which greatly contributes to the book’s significance. Casbergue and Strickland have done an outstanding job synthesizing the most current, relevant research on teaching reading and writing in preschool. This book should be on every preschool teacher’s shelf.”

—Susan J. Kimmel, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development, University of Oklahoma
“This book is such a wonderful resource for all teachers, especially new teachers. It gives background and insight on how to organize activities that will stimulate early reading skills and promote writing.”

—Shawn B. Tolliver, MAT, PreK teacher, Fannie C. Williams Charter School, New Orleans
“Casbergue and Strickland have succeeded in turning findings from scientifically based reading research into strategies for supporting children’s print and alphabetic knowledge. The best thing about this book is that it situates early literacy both developmentally and within the child's family and school relationships. It provides a much deeper presentation of foundational literacy skills than the many other books that cover these skills in isolation or offer a cookbook-like approach to activities. Of particular note is the care and attention given to the often-neglected area of writing development. This book would be an excellent text for an undergraduate course on supporting early literacy or an inservice teacher study group.”

—Martha Buell, PhD, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware

—Susan J. Kimmel, PhD, Executive Director, Center for Early Childhood Professional Development, University of Oklahoma
“This book is such a wonderful resource for all teachers, especially new teachers. It gives background and insight on how to organize activities that will stimulate early reading skills and promote writing.”

—Shawn B. Tolliver, MAT, PreK teacher, Fannie C. Williams Charter School, New Orleans
“Casbergue and Strickland have succeeded in turning findings from scientifically based reading research into strategies for supporting children’s print and alphabetic knowledge. The best thing about this book is that it situates early literacy both developmentally and within the child's family and school relationships. It provides a much deeper presentation of foundational literacy skills than the many other books that cover these skills in isolation or offer a cookbook-like approach to activities. Of particular note is the care and attention given to the often-neglected area of writing development. This book would be an excellent text for an undergraduate course on supporting early literacy or an inservice teacher study group.”

—Martha Buell, PhD, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Delaware