The Alcoholic Family in Recovery
A Developmental Model
Stephanie Brown and Virginia Lewis
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 19, 2002
ISBN 9781572308343
Price: $48.00 318 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1999
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I. Introduction
1. What Happens When the Drinking Stops?
2. The Developmental Process of Recovery
II. Stories of Families in Recovery
3. Transition and Early Recovery:
The Corwins and the Turners
4. From Early Recovery to Ongoing Recovery:
The Hendersons and the Warners
III. A Framework for Assessment
5. Assessing Family Functioning: Domains of Experience
6. Stages of Recovery: Drinking, Transition, Early Recovery, and Ongoing Recovery
7. Factors That Influence Recovery
IV. A Developmental Model of Family Recovery
8. The Drinking Stage
9. Transition for Couples and Families
10. Early Recovery for Couples and Families
11. Ongoing Recovery for Couples and Families