Handbook of Temperament
Edited by Marcel Zentner and Rebecca L. Shiner
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 26, 2012
ISBN 9781462506484
Price: $120.00 750 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderSeptember 1, 2015
ISBN 9781462524990
Price: $80.00750 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“Now there's a new resource that helps us all understand what affects temperament: why some of us are more anxious than others, quicker to anger, less able to control our impulses....There is information that will be of special interest to early childhood and family life professionals, as well as teachers, counselors, and therapists.”

—Parenting Press E-Magazine
“Both practitioners and researchers would benefit from this book....This excellent book is full of research and the numerous contributors bring a cross-cultural perspective to the topic. Because it looks at both adult and child models and how interventions can be developed to address specific problems, clinicians will find this book useful.”

—Doody's Reviews
“Presents a multifaceted and detailed explanation of temperament research, providing rich description of its history, research orientations, discoveries, and applications, with suggestions for next steps….There is ample coverage of temperament as expressed in individuals’ lives and outcomes, and this is a definite strength of the Handbook….These sections of the Handbook offer exciting implications for applying temperament research in real-world situations, particularly in school settings.”

—Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
“Finally—a definitive source for my graduate students and research team! Presented from a variety of theoretical perspectives, the chapters in this book are comprehensive. They review and critique the current literature so that students (and faculty) can understand how the field evolved. Equally important, the book provides direction for future research. This book should be on the required list for all graduate temperament and personality classes.”

—Sandee McClowry, PhD, FAAN, Professor, Counseling Program, New York University
“Temperament is a central construct in the study of human individual differences, yet a volume providing complete, authoritative coverage of the field has been lacking. This exceptional handbook is a 'must have' for researchers, clinicians, educators, and students. The editors and contributors are a who's who of research in temperament, and the scope of the material is unprecedented, ranging from measurement, to biology, to how temperament plays out in everyday life. The book is well suited to advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in personality and individual differences; students are certain to benefit from its clarity and scope. This is required reading that will guide the field for years to come.”

—Robert F. Krueger, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This is a terrific volume! A stellar group of scholars provide informed reviews of the history of the field of temperament; relevant theory, measurement issues, research findings, and interventions; and other applied issues. Because temperament is such a broad domain of study, the book will be extremely useful to anyone interested in socioemotional development, executive functioning, personality, and their biological and environmental underpinnings. This handbook will be a valued resource for graduate students and graduate classes, research scientists, and people with applied interests alike.”

—Nancy Eisenberg, PhD, Regents' Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University
“Temperament is a critical concept for understanding almost every area of psychology, from how young children learn to regulate their emotions to what makes some people more susceptible to abusing alcohol. This handbook brings together top researchers on temperament to provide the most comprehensive and authoritative volume on the subject to date, spanning basic research as well as applied work. It is an excellent resource for both the researcher and the practicing clinician, and will serve as a valuable text for advanced courses in human development and developmental psychopathology.”

—Paul J. Frick, PhD, University Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans
“Nothing could be more vital than understanding how genetic variation and the physical and social environment interact to guide the development of a child. The Handbook of Temperament shows how this complex interaction shapes each individual's unique behavior. The volume traces both ancient roots and the most current knowledge in the field. This book is vital for psychologists, educators, and neuroscientists who seek to understand the intersection between biology, society, and the developing child.”

—Michael I. Posner, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon
“This landmark volume brings together a most distinguished group of scholars who provide a remarkably rich treatment of all aspects of temperament research, including biological, personality, developmental, clinical, and applied perspectives. The coverage is spectacular in its depth and breadth; the organization of the specific sections and chapters is clear and excellent. This book is a 'must read' for researchers and an ideal text for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in individual differences, temperament, or personality.”

—Grazyna Kochanska, PhD, Stuit Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Iowa
“Covering a broad spectrum of concepts, methods, and applications involving social and biological aspects of temperament, this handbook goes beyond existing works that have a narrower focus. It really fills a gap in the literature on personality. I could see using this volume in a graduate course as a basis for student presentations on different aspects of temperament.”

—Petra Netter, PhD, MD, Professor Emerita of Psychology, University of Giessen, Germany

—Parenting Press E-Magazine
“Both practitioners and researchers would benefit from this book....This excellent book is full of research and the numerous contributors bring a cross-cultural perspective to the topic. Because it looks at both adult and child models and how interventions can be developed to address specific problems, clinicians will find this book useful.”

—Doody's Reviews
“Presents a multifaceted and detailed explanation of temperament research, providing rich description of its history, research orientations, discoveries, and applications, with suggestions for next steps….There is ample coverage of temperament as expressed in individuals’ lives and outcomes, and this is a definite strength of the Handbook….These sections of the Handbook offer exciting implications for applying temperament research in real-world situations, particularly in school settings.”

—Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
“Finally—a definitive source for my graduate students and research team! Presented from a variety of theoretical perspectives, the chapters in this book are comprehensive. They review and critique the current literature so that students (and faculty) can understand how the field evolved. Equally important, the book provides direction for future research. This book should be on the required list for all graduate temperament and personality classes.”

—Sandee McClowry, PhD, FAAN, Professor, Counseling Program, New York University
“Temperament is a central construct in the study of human individual differences, yet a volume providing complete, authoritative coverage of the field has been lacking. This exceptional handbook is a 'must have' for researchers, clinicians, educators, and students. The editors and contributors are a who's who of research in temperament, and the scope of the material is unprecedented, ranging from measurement, to biology, to how temperament plays out in everyday life. The book is well suited to advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in personality and individual differences; students are certain to benefit from its clarity and scope. This is required reading that will guide the field for years to come.”

—Robert F. Krueger, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
“This is a terrific volume! A stellar group of scholars provide informed reviews of the history of the field of temperament; relevant theory, measurement issues, research findings, and interventions; and other applied issues. Because temperament is such a broad domain of study, the book will be extremely useful to anyone interested in socioemotional development, executive functioning, personality, and their biological and environmental underpinnings. This handbook will be a valued resource for graduate students and graduate classes, research scientists, and people with applied interests alike.”

—Nancy Eisenberg, PhD, Regents' Professor of Psychology, Arizona State University
“Temperament is a critical concept for understanding almost every area of psychology, from how young children learn to regulate their emotions to what makes some people more susceptible to abusing alcohol. This handbook brings together top researchers on temperament to provide the most comprehensive and authoritative volume on the subject to date, spanning basic research as well as applied work. It is an excellent resource for both the researcher and the practicing clinician, and will serve as a valuable text for advanced courses in human development and developmental psychopathology.”

—Paul J. Frick, PhD, University Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans
“Nothing could be more vital than understanding how genetic variation and the physical and social environment interact to guide the development of a child. The Handbook of Temperament shows how this complex interaction shapes each individual's unique behavior. The volume traces both ancient roots and the most current knowledge in the field. This book is vital for psychologists, educators, and neuroscientists who seek to understand the intersection between biology, society, and the developing child.”

—Michael I. Posner, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, University of Oregon
“This landmark volume brings together a most distinguished group of scholars who provide a remarkably rich treatment of all aspects of temperament research, including biological, personality, developmental, clinical, and applied perspectives. The coverage is spectacular in its depth and breadth; the organization of the specific sections and chapters is clear and excellent. This book is a 'must read' for researchers and an ideal text for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses in individual differences, temperament, or personality.”

—Grazyna Kochanska, PhD, Stuit Professor of Developmental Psychology, University of Iowa
“Covering a broad spectrum of concepts, methods, and applications involving social and biological aspects of temperament, this handbook goes beyond existing works that have a narrower focus. It really fills a gap in the literature on personality. I could see using this volume in a graduate course as a basis for student presentations on different aspects of temperament.”

—Petra Netter, PhD, MD, Professor Emerita of Psychology, University of Giessen, Germany