Literacy Research Methodologies
Third Edition
Edited by Marla H. Mallette and Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Seth A. Parsons
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 23, 2020
ISBN 9781462544325
Price: $92.00 470 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderNovember 23, 2020
ISBN 9781462544318
Price: $61.00470 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
“Probably the single most striking feature…is the depth and breadth of the information presented in each chapter and the general liveliness of the text....Whole books have been written about each and every one of the methodologies presented. And yet, these chapters are amazingly satisfying in their fullness....Even a novice researcher, after reading these chapters, can get a very clear sense of the values, applications, procedures, concerns, standards, and complexities of each methodological approach.”

—Journal of Curriculum Studies (on the first edition)
“Highly recommended. Graduate students, faculty, researchers.”

—Choice Reviews (on the first edition)
“I have used the past two editions of this book in graduate courses on how to read, critique, and plan literacy research, and both editions are dog-eared and well worn. I am thrilled to have the third edition—it is simply a 'must read' for graduate students in literacy education. This is a great text for any course in research methods or design because it addresses the fundamental importance of matching the research methodology to the research questions and resulting claims. A bonus is the exposure to exemplar studies from a variety of research paradigms, all of which make valuable contributions to literacy research. The third edition emphasizes the standards of quality for each methodology and the synergy afforded through mixed methodological approaches.”

—Marcia Invernizzi, PhD, Edmund H. Henderson Professor Emerita, School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia
“This book describes literacy research methodologies in a way that is far reaching, yet clear and understandable to my doctoral students, who are sometimes intimidated by the topic. In my doctoral seminar, I had students explore particular methodologies presented in the text and analyze how they have been applied in published articles. This comparative analysis helped prepare students to apply the methodologies in their own research. Anyone looking to examine listening, speaking, reading, or writing can benefit from the recommended research guidelines presented for each methodology. ”

—Lauren Eutsler, PhD, Department of Teacher Education and Administration, University of North Texas
“The third edition of this text will whet the reader's appetite for understanding the latest methods for conducting and analyzing literacy research. To my knowledge, this is the only single-volume work of its kind. Students who are beginning to conduct research to test theories, or who want to examine the evidence, warrants, and claims conveyed by researchers or policymakers, will find the chapters clear and insightful. This is an essential text for doctoral seminars on literacy; it provides tools for generating innumerable stellar questions and answers. Excellence in knowledge building requires a book like this.”

—Rosalind Horowitz, PhD, Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching and Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas at San Antonio

—Journal of Curriculum Studies (on the first edition)
“Highly recommended. Graduate students, faculty, researchers.”

—Choice Reviews (on the first edition)
“I have used the past two editions of this book in graduate courses on how to read, critique, and plan literacy research, and both editions are dog-eared and well worn. I am thrilled to have the third edition—it is simply a 'must read' for graduate students in literacy education. This is a great text for any course in research methods or design because it addresses the fundamental importance of matching the research methodology to the research questions and resulting claims. A bonus is the exposure to exemplar studies from a variety of research paradigms, all of which make valuable contributions to literacy research. The third edition emphasizes the standards of quality for each methodology and the synergy afforded through mixed methodological approaches.”

—Marcia Invernizzi, PhD, Edmund H. Henderson Professor Emerita, School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia
“This book describes literacy research methodologies in a way that is far reaching, yet clear and understandable to my doctoral students, who are sometimes intimidated by the topic. In my doctoral seminar, I had students explore particular methodologies presented in the text and analyze how they have been applied in published articles. This comparative analysis helped prepare students to apply the methodologies in their own research. Anyone looking to examine listening, speaking, reading, or writing can benefit from the recommended research guidelines presented for each methodology. ”

—Lauren Eutsler, PhD, Department of Teacher Education and Administration, University of North Texas
“The third edition of this text will whet the reader's appetite for understanding the latest methods for conducting and analyzing literacy research. To my knowledge, this is the only single-volume work of its kind. Students who are beginning to conduct research to test theories, or who want to examine the evidence, warrants, and claims conveyed by researchers or policymakers, will find the chapters clear and insightful. This is an essential text for doctoral seminars on literacy; it provides tools for generating innumerable stellar questions and answers. Excellence in knowledge building requires a book like this.”

—Rosalind Horowitz, PhD, Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching and Department of Educational Psychology, The University of Texas at San Antonio