Managing Pain Before It Manages You
Fourth Edition
Margaret A. Caudill
Foreword by Herbert Benson
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJanuary 5, 2016
ISBN 9781462533701
Price: $65.00 281 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderJanuary 6, 2016
ISBN 9781462522774
Price: $24.95 281 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“The strategies in this book can be utilized with individuals of all ages who happen to suffer from a chronic pain condition….This book is priced very reasonably, is written very clearly, and has just the right amount of detail….Recommended to anyone with chronic pain or to any family dealing with and experiencing chronic pain.”

—Child and Family Behavior Therapy
“Caudill has developed a clinically tested program recognized throughout the world. Her program for chronic pain has been scientifically proven to significantly lessen anxiety and depression, as well as anger and hostility....The book is user-friendly, providing practical advice in an engaging fashion. Those who have used this approach report that in addition to lessening their suffering from pain, they have learned how to apply its principles to other aspects of their lives. They communicate better, have a more positive attitude, and frequently achieve other elusive health goals. Overall, they report having gained more control over their lives.”

—The Pain Clinic (on the revised edition)
“This very complete manual on how to manage one's own chronic pain will be a very useful adjunct to psychotherapy whenever a patient is struggling with long-term pain despite a physician's care....I would recommend this book to anyone whose practice will find them in relationship to others with chronic pain, be they physicians, psychologists, counselors, nurses, or other practitioners. It would be very useful as an adjunct text in a graduate clinical psychology course on the treatment of chronic pain, cognitive behavioral therapy, or rational emotive therapy, among others.”

—Psychological Reports (on the revised edition)
“This book does not just provide excellent content; it is also structured to motivate people and is written in a manner that seems to invite learning....I recommend this volume without hesitation both as a self-help book for chronic pain sufferers and as an important source of treatment information for professionals who may wish to become more knowledgeable about chronic pain and its treatment.”

—Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain and Symptom Control (on the first edition)
“The reader gets the sense that the author has great understanding of the experience of living with chronic pain....Very practical suggestions are given.”

—Disabilities Studies Quarterly (on the first edition)
“This book presents a well-defined and clearly articulated program designed to teach persons who live with pain how to manage pain and feel more in control of their lives....Occupational therapy practitioners who work with this population should find this book appealing and useful. It is practical and offers clear materials to reproduce and use in group and individual sessions....This book should fit nicely as a valuable resource in any occupational therapy department." (on the first edition) —American Occupational Therapy Association “For over 20 years, this book has been the premier guide for managing pain. Now in its fourth edition, it is by far the best and most up-to-date step-by-step pain management manual on the market. Dr. Caudill’s time-tested program really works. Chock-full of practical advice and tools drawn from years of clinical experience, this is an invaluable resource for everyone who wants to take back control of their life.”

—Robert N. Jamison, PhD, Departments of Anesthesia and Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
“With wisdom and compassion, the fourth edition of Managing Pain builds on its timeless core with new insights from emerging research. I have been referring to and highly recommending this book for years. It can help you feel and do better, thrive despite the persistence of pain, and harness the power of the human spirit to restore joy and hope.”

—Paul Arnstein, RN, PhD, clinical nurse specialist for pain relief, Massachusetts General Hospital
“If you suffer from chronic pain, this book is an absolute must! It not only addresses practical issues, but also respectfully acknowledges and addresses the heavy emotional burden. Dr. Caudill's book is our most powerful tool for clients with chronic pain.”

—Maureen Theberge, RPsych, and Diana Gudim, RPsych, Viewpoint Counselling Psychology, Calgary, Canada
“When I first began using the program described in this compassionate book more than 20 years ago, I was suffering from migraine headaches that left me incapacitated—barely able to care for my family or myself. The program alleviated my anxiety and emotional stress and taught me ways to decrease my symptoms and function better. I continue to use the skills to this day.”

—Gerry R., Massachusetts
“This book is a gem that has endured the test of time. Dr. Caudill doesn't promise a cure, but delivers a powerful message about how to reclaim a life interrupted by pain. She is the consummate clinician who lends a compassionate perspective to a very challenging medical problem.”

—Eileen Stuart-Shor, PhD, APRN, FAAN, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston; nurse practitioner, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
“Anyone who applies the principles in this unique book will have improved function and quality of life. The updated fourth edition is now even better. I recommend this book to almost all of my patients with chronic pain.”

—Gilbert J. Fanciullo, MD, MS, Director, Pain Management Center, Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical Center
“I appreciated the tangible tools in this workbook. It was so positive and productive for me to learn how to track my symptoms and identify patterns, and to try the effective techniques Dr. Caudill explains.”

—Dawna C., New Hampshire

—Child and Family Behavior Therapy
“Caudill has developed a clinically tested program recognized throughout the world. Her program for chronic pain has been scientifically proven to significantly lessen anxiety and depression, as well as anger and hostility....The book is user-friendly, providing practical advice in an engaging fashion. Those who have used this approach report that in addition to lessening their suffering from pain, they have learned how to apply its principles to other aspects of their lives. They communicate better, have a more positive attitude, and frequently achieve other elusive health goals. Overall, they report having gained more control over their lives.”

—The Pain Clinic (on the revised edition)
“This very complete manual on how to manage one's own chronic pain will be a very useful adjunct to psychotherapy whenever a patient is struggling with long-term pain despite a physician's care....I would recommend this book to anyone whose practice will find them in relationship to others with chronic pain, be they physicians, psychologists, counselors, nurses, or other practitioners. It would be very useful as an adjunct text in a graduate clinical psychology course on the treatment of chronic pain, cognitive behavioral therapy, or rational emotive therapy, among others.”

—Psychological Reports (on the revised edition)
“This book does not just provide excellent content; it is also structured to motivate people and is written in a manner that seems to invite learning....I recommend this volume without hesitation both as a self-help book for chronic pain sufferers and as an important source of treatment information for professionals who may wish to become more knowledgeable about chronic pain and its treatment.”

—Journal of Pharmaceutical Care in Pain and Symptom Control (on the first edition)
“The reader gets the sense that the author has great understanding of the experience of living with chronic pain....Very practical suggestions are given.”

—Disabilities Studies Quarterly (on the first edition)
“This book presents a well-defined and clearly articulated program designed to teach persons who live with pain how to manage pain and feel more in control of their lives....Occupational therapy practitioners who work with this population should find this book appealing and useful. It is practical and offers clear materials to reproduce and use in group and individual sessions....This book should fit nicely as a valuable resource in any occupational therapy department." (on the first edition) —American Occupational Therapy Association “For over 20 years, this book has been the premier guide for managing pain. Now in its fourth edition, it is by far the best and most up-to-date step-by-step pain management manual on the market. Dr. Caudill’s time-tested program really works. Chock-full of practical advice and tools drawn from years of clinical experience, this is an invaluable resource for everyone who wants to take back control of their life.”

—Robert N. Jamison, PhD, Departments of Anesthesia and Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
“With wisdom and compassion, the fourth edition of Managing Pain builds on its timeless core with new insights from emerging research. I have been referring to and highly recommending this book for years. It can help you feel and do better, thrive despite the persistence of pain, and harness the power of the human spirit to restore joy and hope.”

—Paul Arnstein, RN, PhD, clinical nurse specialist for pain relief, Massachusetts General Hospital
“If you suffer from chronic pain, this book is an absolute must! It not only addresses practical issues, but also respectfully acknowledges and addresses the heavy emotional burden. Dr. Caudill's book is our most powerful tool for clients with chronic pain.”

—Maureen Theberge, RPsych, and Diana Gudim, RPsych, Viewpoint Counselling Psychology, Calgary, Canada
“When I first began using the program described in this compassionate book more than 20 years ago, I was suffering from migraine headaches that left me incapacitated—barely able to care for my family or myself. The program alleviated my anxiety and emotional stress and taught me ways to decrease my symptoms and function better. I continue to use the skills to this day.”

—Gerry R., Massachusetts
“This book is a gem that has endured the test of time. Dr. Caudill doesn't promise a cure, but delivers a powerful message about how to reclaim a life interrupted by pain. She is the consummate clinician who lends a compassionate perspective to a very challenging medical problem.”

—Eileen Stuart-Shor, PhD, APRN, FAAN, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Boston; nurse practitioner, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
“Anyone who applies the principles in this unique book will have improved function and quality of life. The updated fourth edition is now even better. I recommend this book to almost all of my patients with chronic pain.”

—Gilbert J. Fanciullo, MD, MS, Director, Pain Management Center, Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical Center
“I appreciated the tangible tools in this workbook. It was so positive and productive for me to learn how to track my symptoms and identify patterns, and to try the effective techniques Dr. Caudill explains.”

—Dawna C., New Hampshire