Principle-Guided Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents
The FIRST Program for Behavioral and Emotional Problems
John R. Weisz and Sarah Kate Bearman

2. Using FIRST and the FIRST Decision Trees to Treat Anxiety/OCD, Posttraumatic Stress, Depression, and Misbehavior
3. Beginning Treatment
4. Clinician Guides: Facts about the Problems Treated with FIRST
5. Help for Caregivers: Handouts on the Problems Treated with FIRST
- Think FIRST: Planning Treatment, Case by Case
- Summary Overview of the FIRST Treatment Program
6. Using the FIRST Principles: Feeling Calm
7. Using the FIRST Principles: Increasing Motivation
8. Using the FIRST Principles: Repairing Thoughts
9. Using the FIRST Principles: Solving Problems
10. Using the FIRST Principles: Trying the Opposite
11. Skill Units for Continuing Treatment, Boosting Engagement, and Ending Treatment
Appendix I. Published Studies Testing Independent Effects of the Five FIRST Principles
Appendix II. Sample Progressive Muscle Relaxation Script
Appendix III. Using FIRST for Panic Attacks and Tic/Habit Behaviors
Appendix IV. Frequently Asked Questions about Using FIRST in Clinical Practice