The Effective Teacher's Guide
Second Edition
50 Ways to Engage Students and Promote Interactive Learning
Nancy Frey
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderSeptember 29, 2010
ISBN 9781606239711
Price: $33.00159 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“If you have a passion for teaching but need practical suggestions for organizing your classroom, establishing routines, and motivating your students, look no further. This book offers proven solutions to common problems that nearly all beginning teachers find challenging. The second edition is more efficiently organized and features a revised set of 50 research-based strategies. You’ll appreciate how Frey’s tips are clearly explained, concise, and ready to be implemented right away. First-year teachers as well as teachers-in-training can’t afford to miss these basics of effective teaching!”

—Drew Tuck, fourth-grade teacher, Keshequa Elementary School, Dalton, New York
“This book is a 'must' for beginning teachers. Having 50 engagement strategies at their fingertips will help new teachers improve their classroom management. When students are engaged, many discipline problems disappear. I especially like the discussion of bullying, which provides concrete ways to prevent the verbal aggression so often found in our schools.”

—Deborah Dowler, MA, Coordinator, Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment, Tustin Unified School District, Tustin, CA
“Frey fluidly and masterfully addresses teachers' two greatest concerns: classroom management and student engagement. This relevant, practical book should clearly be in the personal library of every teacher, from novice to veteran. Frey addresses challenging topics such as bullying and de-escalating problem behavior. She shares innovative ways to foster collaboration between peer partners and offers tips to engage students in reading. Teachers will surely pull this book off the shelf on a regular basis throughout the school year.”

—Maria Grant, EdD, Department of Secondary Education, California State University, Fullerton

—Drew Tuck, fourth-grade teacher, Keshequa Elementary School, Dalton, New York
“This book is a 'must' for beginning teachers. Having 50 engagement strategies at their fingertips will help new teachers improve their classroom management. When students are engaged, many discipline problems disappear. I especially like the discussion of bullying, which provides concrete ways to prevent the verbal aggression so often found in our schools.”

—Deborah Dowler, MA, Coordinator, Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment, Tustin Unified School District, Tustin, CA
“Frey fluidly and masterfully addresses teachers' two greatest concerns: classroom management and student engagement. This relevant, practical book should clearly be in the personal library of every teacher, from novice to veteran. Frey addresses challenging topics such as bullying and de-escalating problem behavior. She shares innovative ways to foster collaboration between peer partners and offers tips to engage students in reading. Teachers will surely pull this book off the shelf on a regular basis throughout the school year.”

—Maria Grant, EdD, Department of Secondary Education, California State University, Fullerton