The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents
Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and Teachers
Randye J. Semple and Christopher Willard
Foreword by Lisa Miller
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJuly 24, 2019
ISBN 9781462539369
Price: $62.00 262 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderJuly 30, 2019
ISBN 9781462539307
Price: $41.00262 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
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Randye J. Semple, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Southern California (USC). She has authored over 40 scientific journal articles, book chapters, and other professional publications. Dr. Semple is Consulting Editor for Spirituality in Clinical Practice and serves on the steering committees for Mindful USC and the Center for Mindfulness Science, the University's mindfulness initiatives, and on the research committee of the American Mindfulness Research Association. She is the lead developer of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for children (MBCT-C), an evidence-based group psychotherapy that is being researched and implemented worldwide. Dr. Semple presents and publishes widely and provides workshops, consulting, invited lectures, and other training opportunities. Her website is
Christopher Willard, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and educational consultant with a specialty in mindfulness. Based in Boston, he speaks on the topic of mindfulness and meditation with young people nationally and internationally, and teaches at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Willard is on the board of directors of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy and is President of the Mindfulness in Education Network. He has been practicing sitting meditation since 1999. He is coauthor ofThe Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents: Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and Teachers and coeditor of Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and Teens, among other books. His website is
Christopher Willard, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist and educational consultant with a specialty in mindfulness. Based in Boston, he speaks on the topic of mindfulness and meditation with young people nationally and internationally, and teaches at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Willard is on the board of directors of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy and is President of the Mindfulness in Education Network. He has been practicing sitting meditation since 1999. He is coauthor of