Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice

Evaluating and Managing Noncredible Performance

Edited by Ryan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
November 16, 2021
ISBN 9781462542499
Price: $93.00
478 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
September 20, 2021
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Price: $93.00
478 Pages
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478 Pages
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I. Neuropsychological Validity Assessment: Important Distinctions for Nonforensic Practice

1. Validity Assessment in Clinical Settings: How It Differs from Forensic Settings and Why It Is Important, Ryan W. Schroeder & Phillip K. Martin sample

2. Explanations of Performance Validity Test Failure in Clinical Settings, Ryan W. Schroeder & Phillip K. Martin

3. Malingering: Maintaining a Perspective of Clinical Care When Patients Feign, Phillip K. Martin & Ryan W. Schroeder

4. A Framework for Providing Clinical Feedback When Patients Invalidate Testing, Phillip K. Martin & Ryan W. Schroeder

5. Incorporation of Validity Assessment and Validity Findings When Writing Clinical Reports, Ryan W. Schroeder & Phillip K. Martin

6. Ethical Considerations Associated with Validity Assessment in Clinical Evaluations, Phillip K. Martin, Ryan W. Schroeder, Kyle Brauer Boone, & Shane S. Bush

II. Clinical and Methodological Considerations throughout the Evaluation

7. Clinical Judgment and Clinically Applied Statistics: Description, Benefits, and Potential Dangers When Relying on Either One Individually in Clinical Practice, Brechje Dandachi-FitzGerald & Phillip K. Martin

8. An Overview of Common Performance Validity Tests for Practicing Clinicians: Cutoffs, Classification Accuracy, and Administration Times, Jason R. Soble, Troy A. Webber, & K. Chase Bailey

9. The MMPI-2-RF Validity Scales: An Overview of Research and Applications, Jordan T. Hall & Yossef S. Ben-Porath

10. The Nuts and Bolts of Incorporating Validity Assessment in Clinical Evaluations, Sara M. Lippa

11. Synthesizing Data to Reach Clinical Conclusions Regarding Validity Status, Glenn J. Larrabee

12. Performance Validity Testing with Culturally Diverse Individuals and Non-Native English Speakers: The Need for a Cultural Perspective in Neuropsychological Practice, Adriana M. Strutt & Jennifer M. Stinson

III. Validity Assessment in Specific Clinical Settings and Contexts

13. Validity Assessment within Veterans Affairs and Active Duty Settings, Robert D. Shura, John H. Denning, Patrick Armistead-Jehle, & Bradley N. Axelrod

14. Validity Assessment within the Memory Disorders/Dementia Clinic, Ryan W. Schroeder & Phillip K. Martin

15. Validity Assessment within the Rehabilitation Setting, Jeremy J. Davis

16. Validity Assessment in Academic Evaluations, Julie A. Suhr, Grace J. Lee, & Kaley Angers

17. Validity Assessment in Patients with Psychiatric Disorders, Paul S. Marshall & Ryan W. Schroeder

18. Validity Assessment in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, Ryan W. Schroeder, Phillip K. Martin, & Glenn J. Larrabee

19. Validity Assessment in Patients with Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders, Christopher J. Graver & Kyle Brauer Boone

20. Validity Assessment for Clinical Patients Pursuing Social Security Disability, Ryan W. Schroeder &Michael Chafetz

21. Validity Assessment for Clinical Patients with Workers’ Compensation Claims, Caleb P. Peck & Howard Oakes

22. Validity Assessment with Children and Adolescents: Comparisons to Adult Evaluations, Danielle M. Ploetz, Carolyn T. Caldwell, & Kristian P. Nitsch

23. Forensic Primer for the Nonforensic Neuropsychologist: When Clinicians Participate in Forensic Proceedings, Jerry J. Sweet & Kristen M. Klipfel
