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Psychological Science in the Courtroom: Consensus and ControversyEdited by Jennifer L. Skeem, Kevin S. Douglas, and Scott O. Lilienfeld
Principles and Practice of Trial ConsultationStanley L. Brodsky
The Art and Science of Child Custody EvaluationsJonathan W. Gould and David A. Martindale
The Juvenile Sex Offender: Second EditionEdited by Howard E. Barbaree and William L. Marshall
Clinical Neuropsychology in the Criminal Forensic SettingEdited by Robert L. Denney and James P. Sullivan
Neuropsychology in the Courtroom: Expert Analysis of Reports and TestimonyEdited by Robert L. Heilbronner
Treating the Juvenile OffenderEdited by Robert D. Hoge, Nancy G. Guerra, and Paul Boxer
Sexual Deviance: Second Edition: Theory, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by D. Richard Laws and William T. O'Donohue
Assessing and Managing Violence Risk in JuvenilesRandy Borum and David Verhaagen
Client Violence in Social Work Practice: Prevention, Intervention, and ResearchChristina E. Newhill
Psychopathy: Antisocial, Criminal, and Violent BehaviorEdited by Theodore Millon, Erik Simonsen, Roger D. Davis, and Morten Birket-Smith
Conducting Insanity Evaluations: Second EditionRichard Rogers and Daniel W. Shuman
Accommodations in Higher Education under the Americans with Disabilities Act: A No-Nonsense Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Administrators, and LawyersEdited by Michael Gordon and Shelby Keiser
Risk Management with Suicidal PatientsEdited by Bruce Bongar, Alan L. Berman, Ronald W. Maris, Morton M. Silverman, Eric A. Harris, and Wendy Packman
Impulsivity: Theory, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by Christopher D. Webster and Margaret A. Jackson