Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Phobia
Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Strategies
Richard G. Heimberg and Robert E. Becker
orderJuly 3, 2002
ISBN 9781572307704
Price: $57.00 334 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
“Heimberg and Becker have written the definitive treatise on understanding and treating social phobia from a cognitive-behavioral perspective. The first half of the book provides an authoritative synthesis of the relevant literature. The second half shows how to treat patients with social phobia using the authors' highly successful cognitive-behaviorally oriented group format. This book is a 'must have' for all clinicians and scholars who treat and study social phobia.”

—Murray B. Stein, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego
“I have used unpublished versions of Heimberg and Becker's treatment program for over 15 years with great success, both in treatment research and in training clinical psychology practicum students. Now in published form, this book contains the best treatment manual I've ever read. The manual is replete with clinical examples that will be useful to the individual or group therapist working with people with social phobia. It may be used either in a set format for a structured program or to provide the background for flexible application in individual cases. Clinicians with prior training in cognitive-behavioral therapy should be able to readily apply the authors' clinical wisdom to clients with social phobia in their practices.”

—Dianne L. Chambless, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“This excellent book provides a thoughtful and lucid guide to understanding and treating social phobia. Richard G. Heimberg and his colleagues have long been recognized for their groundbreaking empirical and clinical work on this disorder. Here, Drs. Heimberg and Becker nicely summarize the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of cognitive-behavioral models of social phobia and present a detailed description of cognitive-behavioral group therapy, the preeminent treatment for people impaired by severe social anxiety. The book also offers clinically astute observations about the therapeutic process of working with people who fear criticism and rejection. Clinicians and researchers alike will welcome this volume.”

—Lynn E. Alden, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“For two decades, Richard Heimberg has been at the forefront of research on social phobia. The cognitive-behavioral group therapy developed by Heimberg and his colleagues has been validated in several randomized controlled trials, and is considered by many to be the gold standard psychological treatment. This excellent book provides clear and extremely detailed guidance in how to deliver the gold standard.”

—David M Clark, DPhil, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK

—Murray B. Stein, MD, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego
“I have used unpublished versions of Heimberg and Becker's treatment program for over 15 years with great success, both in treatment research and in training clinical psychology practicum students. Now in published form, this book contains the best treatment manual I've ever read. The manual is replete with clinical examples that will be useful to the individual or group therapist working with people with social phobia. It may be used either in a set format for a structured program or to provide the background for flexible application in individual cases. Clinicians with prior training in cognitive-behavioral therapy should be able to readily apply the authors' clinical wisdom to clients with social phobia in their practices.”

—Dianne L. Chambless, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“This excellent book provides a thoughtful and lucid guide to understanding and treating social phobia. Richard G. Heimberg and his colleagues have long been recognized for their groundbreaking empirical and clinical work on this disorder. Here, Drs. Heimberg and Becker nicely summarize the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of cognitive-behavioral models of social phobia and present a detailed description of cognitive-behavioral group therapy, the preeminent treatment for people impaired by severe social anxiety. The book also offers clinically astute observations about the therapeutic process of working with people who fear criticism and rejection. Clinicians and researchers alike will welcome this volume.”

—Lynn E. Alden, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada
“For two decades, Richard Heimberg has been at the forefront of research on social phobia. The cognitive-behavioral group therapy developed by Heimberg and his colleagues has been validated in several randomized controlled trials, and is considered by many to be the gold standard psychological treatment. This excellent book provides clear and extremely detailed guidance in how to deliver the gold standard.”

—David M Clark, DPhil, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, UK