Finding the Right Texts

What Works for Beginning and Struggling Readers

Edited by Elfrieda H. Hiebert and Misty Sailors

September 16, 2008
ISBN 9781593858858
Price: $39.00
274 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

Until now, no single volume has comprehensively examined the crucial question of how to select the most appropriate reading material for beginning or struggling readers. From leading authorities, this book meets an important need by reviewing the best available research on the role of specific text features—including linguistic and conceptual content—in supporting the development of proficient reading. Also explored are ways that teacher scaffolding can help students who have difficulties with particular aspects or types of texts. The book considers approaches to adapting the design and selection of texts to reinforce reading skills and provide well-paced challenges for K–6 students at a variety of ability levels.