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Friedman's Fables

Edwin H. Friedman

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
February 24, 2014
ISBN 9781462516704
Price: $29.00
246 Pages
Size: 5½" x 8¼"
Copyright Date: 1990
February 19, 2013
ePub ?
Price: $29.00
246 Pages
Copyright Date: 1990
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $58.00 $34.80
246 Pages
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“The book had an unexpected effect. I found myself more creative in the therapy sessions that followed, almost as if I had been granted some internal form of permission to co-create a story alongside the stuck stories of so many of my clients.... The stories...had, in effect, stimulated my own story-telling ability.”

AFTA Newsletter

“I used a fable for my sermon, and you could have heard a pin drop by the end....I find the book thoroughly delightful and powerful.”

—The Rev. Henry C. Galganowicz, Rector, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Weston, Connecticut