Literacy Leadership to Support Reading Improvement
Intervention Programs and Balanced Instruction
Mary Kay Moskal and Ayn F. Keneman
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 2, 2011
ISBN 9781609184872
Price: $33.00 178 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
Mary Kay Moskal, EdD, is Associate Professor of Reading and Language Arts in the Kalmanovitz School of Education at Saint Mary’s College of California in Moraga. She is Co-Director of the Literacy Learning Clinic and a past president of the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading (OTER), a special interest group of the International Reading Association. Dr. Moskal is coauthor, with Camille Blachowicz, of the book Partnering for Fluency.
Ayn F. Keneman, EdD, is Associate Professor of Elementary and Middle Level Education in the National College of Education at National-Louis University in Chicago. She teaches reading and language courses for the Academy of Urban School Leadership, a partnership with the Chicago Public Schools and National-Louis. Dr. Keneman is a past president of the Illinois Young Authors’ Conference.
Ayn F. Keneman, EdD, is Associate Professor of Elementary and Middle Level Education in the National College of Education at National-Louis University in Chicago. She teaches reading and language courses for the Academy of Urban School Leadership, a partnership with the Chicago Public Schools and National-Louis. Dr. Keneman is a past president of the Illinois Young Authors’ Conference.