Strategy Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
Second Edition
Robert Reid, Torri Ortiz Lienemann, and Jessica L. Hagaman
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 6, 2013
ISBN 9781462512201
Price: $71.00 308 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderSeptember 16, 2013
ISBN 9781462511983
Price: $47.00 308 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“This book is clearly written, well organized, and based on sound cognitive research. It does a fine job of presenting quality study skills techniques, together with many examples and instructional aids....The book also provides a compelling rationale for teachers to invest ample time and effort in a sound, empirically supported method for teaching study skills techniques to students with LD.”

—PsycCRITIQUES (on the first edition)
“Among the most powerful factors in moving the achievement needle for students with learning difficulties is high-quality strategy instruction. This book is a gold mine for teachers—it is brilliantly conceptualized and written. It provides a broad array of evidence-based practices that will transform how educators think about and design instruction for students who struggle in school. This second edition will remain one of the most frequently used resources for successfully teaching students how to learn.”

—Donald D. Deshler, PhD, Williamson Family Distinguished Professor of Special Education and Director, Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas
“An outstanding book that should be part of every teacher’s professional library. Cognitive strategy instruction is an essential part of effective differentiated instruction that meets the needs of all learners. This book provides a comprehensive framework for classroom instruction and research-based strategies to maximize instructional impact. It is well organized and accessible. I highly recommend this book to any prospective or practicing teacher who teaches students with diverse needs.”

—Brenda Tracy, EdD, NCSP, Elementary Principal, Norris School District, Firth, Nebraska
“There is a wealth of research on strategy instruction, but Reid et al. supply what has been missing—a systematic implementation framework that teachers can understand and translate into practice. Most important, they share numerous examples that bring strategy instruction to life. The second edition demonstrates applications to new areas, notably handwriting, spelling, and the critically important area of working memory.”

—Daniel P. Hallahan, PhD, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education, University of Virginia
“The book emphasizes the importance of evidence-based instruction for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, and provides tools for classroom success. It is highly suitable for courses in instructional theory and methods. Current and future teachers get 'how-tos' for delivering strategy instruction to meet individual students' needs, plus an understanding of why it works. The topics are timely and well suited for teachers striving to meet Common Core State Standards initiatives.”

—Linda H. Mason, PhD, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

—PsycCRITIQUES (on the first edition)
“Among the most powerful factors in moving the achievement needle for students with learning difficulties is high-quality strategy instruction. This book is a gold mine for teachers—it is brilliantly conceptualized and written. It provides a broad array of evidence-based practices that will transform how educators think about and design instruction for students who struggle in school. This second edition will remain one of the most frequently used resources for successfully teaching students how to learn.”

—Donald D. Deshler, PhD, Williamson Family Distinguished Professor of Special Education and Director, Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas
“An outstanding book that should be part of every teacher’s professional library. Cognitive strategy instruction is an essential part of effective differentiated instruction that meets the needs of all learners. This book provides a comprehensive framework for classroom instruction and research-based strategies to maximize instructional impact. It is well organized and accessible. I highly recommend this book to any prospective or practicing teacher who teaches students with diverse needs.”

—Brenda Tracy, EdD, NCSP, Elementary Principal, Norris School District, Firth, Nebraska
“There is a wealth of research on strategy instruction, but Reid et al. supply what has been missing—a systematic implementation framework that teachers can understand and translate into practice. Most important, they share numerous examples that bring strategy instruction to life. The second edition demonstrates applications to new areas, notably handwriting, spelling, and the critically important area of working memory.”

—Daniel P. Hallahan, PhD, Charles S. Robb Professor of Education, University of Virginia
“The book emphasizes the importance of evidence-based instruction for students with learning difficulties and disabilities, and provides tools for classroom success. It is highly suitable for courses in instructional theory and methods. Current and future teachers get 'how-tos' for delivering strategy instruction to meet individual students' needs, plus an understanding of why it works. The topics are timely and well suited for teachers striving to meet Common Core State Standards initiatives.”

—Linda H. Mason, PhD, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill