Teacher's Guide to Effective Sentence Writing
Bruce Saddler
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 4, 2012
ISBN 9781462506774
Price: $36.00 176 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
“Saddler provides an invaluable, evidence-based approach to building students' writing skills through effective sentence combining. He uses a well-presented theoretical lens to frame clear examples of typical sentence-writing difficulties and potential solutions. Practical lessons and materials are supplied for teaching a diverse range of learners. Accessible and engaging, this book is a 'must' for elementary, middle, and high school writing teachers, as well as those preparing to be teachers.”

—Linda H. Mason, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University
“Saddler presents a comprehensive framework for teaching students not only how sentences work, but also how to make sentences work for them. Synthesizing years of research, he offers myriad instructional methods that can be used in classroom, small-group, or individual tutorial settings to foster mindful discussion about language structure and meaning. This is an outstanding resource for any educator who wants students to appreciate the power of a well-written sentence.”

—Bonnie D. Singer, PhD, Founder and CEO, Architects for Learning, LLC, Needham Heights, Massachusetts
“True to its promise, this book shows all teachers—writing, special education, and general education teachers—how to help learners write effective sentences with attention to both style and substance. The research-based activities and exercises should prove invaluable. This is a book that teachers will want to read again and again, as they see it helping their students become better and better writers.”

—Howard Margolis, EdD, Professor Emeritus of Reading Disabilities and Special Education, City University of New York
“I had the honor of working with Dr. Saddler in my classroom; his knowledge of sentence construction and combining is second to none. He taught me many valuable lessons that I still use in my classroom today, and that other teachers can now have access to in this compelling book.”

—Amy Ogburn, MA, fourth-grade teacher, Forest Park Elementary School, Albany, New York

—Linda H. Mason, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education, The Pennsylvania State University
“Saddler presents a comprehensive framework for teaching students not only how sentences work, but also how to make sentences work for them. Synthesizing years of research, he offers myriad instructional methods that can be used in classroom, small-group, or individual tutorial settings to foster mindful discussion about language structure and meaning. This is an outstanding resource for any educator who wants students to appreciate the power of a well-written sentence.”

—Bonnie D. Singer, PhD, Founder and CEO, Architects for Learning, LLC, Needham Heights, Massachusetts
“True to its promise, this book shows all teachers—writing, special education, and general education teachers—how to help learners write effective sentences with attention to both style and substance. The research-based activities and exercises should prove invaluable. This is a book that teachers will want to read again and again, as they see it helping their students become better and better writers.”

—Howard Margolis, EdD, Professor Emeritus of Reading Disabilities and Special Education, City University of New York
“I had the honor of working with Dr. Saddler in my classroom; his knowledge of sentence construction and combining is second to none. He taught me many valuable lessons that I still use in my classroom today, and that other teachers can now have access to in this compelling book.”

—Amy Ogburn, MA, fourth-grade teacher, Forest Park Elementary School, Albany, New York