The Self-Conscious Emotions
Theory and Research
Edited by Jessica L. Tracy, Richard W. Robins, and June Price Tangney
Foreword by Joseph J. Campos
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 1, 2007
ISBN 9781593854867
Price: $82.00 493 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Jessica L. Tracy, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. Her research and publications focus on the expression, psychological structure, and cognitive elicitors of self-conscious emotions, as well as their links to personality and self-esteem regulation. Dr. Tracy founded the annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Pre-Conference on Emotion, and her work has been honored by the Wellcome Trust-New Scientist Essay Competition, as well as by dissertation awards from the New York Academy of Sciences and the American Psychological Association.
Richard W. Robins, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, where he is Director of the Personality, Self, and Emotions Laboratory; Director of the California Families Project; and a member of the core faculty for the National Institute of Mental Health Training Program in Affective Science. Dr. Robins is Associate Editor of Personality and Social Psychology Review and past Associate Editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American Psychological Association and both the Theoretical Innovation Prize and the Diener Award for Outstanding Mid-Career Contributions to Personality Psychology from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. His research focuses on personality, emotion, the self, and ethnic-minority youth development.
June Price Tangney, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at George Mason University. She is coauthor of Shame and Guilt and coeditor of the Handbook of Self and Identity. She has served as associate or consulting editor for several journals, and is currently associate editor of American Psychologist. Her research interests include the development and implications of moral emotions. Currently, her work focuses on moral emotions among incarcerated offenders.
Richard W. Robins, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, where he is Director of the Personality, Self, and Emotions Laboratory; Director of the California Families Project; and a member of the core faculty for the National Institute of Mental Health Training Program in Affective Science. Dr. Robins is Associate Editor of Personality and Social Psychology Review and past Associate Editor of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He is a recipient of the Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology from the American Psychological Association and both the Theoretical Innovation Prize and the Diener Award for Outstanding Mid-Career Contributions to Personality Psychology from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. His research focuses on personality, emotion, the self, and ethnic-minority youth development.
June Price Tangney, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at George Mason University. She is coauthor of Shame and Guilt and coeditor of the Handbook of Self and Identity. She has served as associate or consulting editor for several journals, and is currently associate editor of American Psychologist. Her research interests include the development and implications of moral emotions. Currently, her work focuses on moral emotions among incarcerated offenders.