New Titles:
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The Power of Peers in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning and Social SkillsEdited by Karen R. Harris and Lynn Meltzer
Reading Intervention in the Primary Grades: A Common-Sense Guide to RTIHeidi Anne E. Mesmer, Eric Mesmer, and Jennifer Jones Powell
Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years SmarterIsabel L. Beck, Margaret G. McKeown, and Cheryl A. Sandora
Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6Edited by Louise Spear-Swerling
Order both items for $57.95, instead of $78.00 if bought separately!
Supporting Adolescents with Autism in Secondary SchoolsEdited by Samuel L. Odom
Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key StrategiesKathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Robin Parks Ennis, and Wendy Peia Oakes
Tackling Tough Texts: A Research-Based Guide to Scaffolding Learning in Grades 6-12Sarah M. Lupo, Dan Reynolds, and Christine Hardigree
Teaching Elementary Mathematics to Struggling LearnersBradley S. Witzel and Mary E. Little
Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties: Third EditionSharon Vaughn, Alison Boardman, and Janette K. Klingner
Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Second Edition: Practical Applications for K-12 and BeyondEdited by Tracey E. Hall, Kristin H. Robinson, and David Gordon
Foreword by David H. Rose
Foreword by David H. Rose