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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment ManualSabine Wilhelm, Katharine A. Phillips, and Gail Steketee

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Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of PerfectionismSarah J. Egan, Tracey D. Wade, Roz Shafran, and Martin M. Antony
The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved OneJonathan S. Abramowitz
Getting Over OCD: Second Edition: A 10-Step Workbook for Taking Back Your LifeJonathan S. Abramowitz
Intrusive Thoughts in Clinical Disorders: Theory, Research, and TreatmentEdited by David A. Clark
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for OCD: A Treatment ManualFabrizio Didonna
Foreword by Mark Williams
Foreword by Mark Williams
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Theory, Research, and TreatmentEdited by Richard P. Swinson, Martin M. Antony, S. Rachman, and Margaret A. Richter
OCD in Children and Adolescents: The "OCD Is Not the Boss of Me" ManualKatherine McKenney, Annie Simpson, and S. Evelyn Stewart
Perfectionism: A Relational Approach to Conceptualization, Assessment, and TreatmentPaul L. Hewitt, Gordon L. Flett, and Samuel F. Mikail
Psychological Interventions for Children with Sensory DysregulationRuth Goldfinger Golomb and Suzanne Mouton-Odum
Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say "No Way" — and Parents Say "Way to Go"John S. March
With Christine M. Benton
With Christine M. Benton
Treating OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachMartin E. Franklin, Jennifer B. Freeman, and John S. March