Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology
Edited by Frank Andrasik, Jeffrey L. Goodie, and Alan L. Peterson
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderJanuary 5, 2015
ISBN 9781462517732
Price: $99.00512 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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“Biopsychosocial Assessment in Clinical Health Psychology is replete with chapters written by a who's who of research and clinical scholars discussing the biopsychosocial model and psychology's role across a range of healthcare problems, diagnoses, special populations, and healthcare venues….The choice of topics is comprehensive and reflects the importance of biopsychosocial assessment across major diseases and for significant cross-cutting healthcare issues….A useful encyclopedia of terms, tools, and techniques for educating students, early career psychologists, or clinical health psychologists already in practice.”

“This is an important and unique book that will become essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and students in clinical health psychology and behavioral medicine. Chapters written by an impressive collection of leaders in the field are both current and comprehensive, yet easily accessible to the reader. This outstanding contribution is ideally suited for use as a clinical resource and graduate text. Regardless of the setting, it is an enormously beneficial book that professionals and students will use often.”

—David S. Krantz, PhD, Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology,Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
“Informative science and effective service both begin with sound assessment. Andrasik, Goodie, and Peterson have assembled an exceptional team of clinical scientists and practitioners to provide a timely and thorough review of basic issues and the most common problems in clinical health psychology assessment. The volume should be required reading for graduate students, and will be a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians, especially those who increasingly find themselves drawn from traditional domains of psychological practice to the rapidly evolving interface with medical care.”

—Timothy W. Smith, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Utah; past president, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
“A long-awaited, much-needed synthesis of evidence-based assessment practices in health psychology. Andrasik et al. have brought together an impressive cast of contributors to offer insightful guidance on the most frequently encountered assessment domains. Well grounded in the extant science, the biopsychosocial assessment model, and psychometric theory, this volume is destined to become a seminal clinical reference and text.”

—Kim E. Dixon, PhD, Health Behavior Coordinator, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, Alabama

“This is an important and unique book that will become essential reading for clinicians, researchers, and students in clinical health psychology and behavioral medicine. Chapters written by an impressive collection of leaders in the field are both current and comprehensive, yet easily accessible to the reader. This outstanding contribution is ideally suited for use as a clinical resource and graduate text. Regardless of the setting, it is an enormously beneficial book that professionals and students will use often.”

—David S. Krantz, PhD, Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology,Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
“Informative science and effective service both begin with sound assessment. Andrasik, Goodie, and Peterson have assembled an exceptional team of clinical scientists and practitioners to provide a timely and thorough review of basic issues and the most common problems in clinical health psychology assessment. The volume should be required reading for graduate students, and will be a valuable resource for researchers and clinicians, especially those who increasingly find themselves drawn from traditional domains of psychological practice to the rapidly evolving interface with medical care.”

—Timothy W. Smith, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Utah; past president, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association
“A long-awaited, much-needed synthesis of evidence-based assessment practices in health psychology. Andrasik et al. have brought together an impressive cast of contributors to offer insightful guidance on the most frequently encountered assessment domains. Well grounded in the extant science, the biopsychosocial assessment model, and psychometric theory, this volume is destined to become a seminal clinical reference and text.”

—Kim E. Dixon, PhD, Health Behavior Coordinator, Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, Alabama