Dyadic Data Analysis

David A. Kenny, Deborah A. Kashy, and William L. Cook
Foreword by Jeffry A. Simpson

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
November 26, 2020
ISBN 9781462546138
Price: $55.00
458 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2006
March 1, 2011
Price: $55.00
458 Pages
Copyright Date: 2006
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458 Pages
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1. Basic Definitions and Overview

- Nonindependence

- Basic Definitions

- Data Organization

- A Database of Dyadic Studies

2. The Measurement of Nonindependence

- Interval Level of Measurement

- Categorical Measures

- Consequences of Ignoring Nonindependence

- What Not to Do

- Power Considerations

3. Analyzing Between- and Within-Dyads Independent Variables

- Interval Outcome Measures and Categorical Independent Variables

- Interval Outcome Measures and Interval Independent Variables

- Categorical Outcome Variables

4. Using Multilevel Modeling to Study Dyads

- Mixed-Model ANOVA

- Multilevel-Model Equations

- Multilevel Modeling with Maximum Likelihood

- Adaptation of Multilevel Models to Dyadic Data

5. Using Structural Equation Modeling to Study Dyads

- Steps in SEM

- Confirmatory Factor Analysis

- Path Analyses with Dyadic Data

- SEM for Dyads with Indistinguishable Members

6. Tests of Correlational Structure and Differential Variance

- Distinguishable Dyads

- Indistinguishable Dyads

7. Analyzing Mixed Independent Variables: The Actor–Partner Interdependence Model

- The Model

- Conceptual Interpretation of Actor and Partner Effects

- Estimation of the APIM: Indistinguishable Dyad Members

- Estimation of the APIM: Distinguishable Dyads

- Power and Effect Size Computation

- Specification Error in the APIM

8. Social Relations Designs with Indistinguishable Members

- The Basic Data Structures

- Model

- Details of an SRM Analysis

- Model

- Social Relations Analyses: An Example

9. Social Relations Designs with Roles

- SRM Studies of Family Relationships

- Design and Analysis of Studies

- The Model

- Application of the SRM with Roles Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis

- The Four-Person Design

- Illustration of the Four-Person Family Design

- The Three-Person Design

- Multiple Perspectives on Family Relationships

- Means and Factor Score Estimation

- Power and Sample Size

10. One-with-Many Designs

- Design Issues

- Measuring Nonindependence

- The Meaning of Nonindependence in the One-with-Many Design

- Univariate Analysis with Indistinguishable Partners

- Univariate Estimation with Distinguishable Partners

- The Reciprocal One-with-Many Design

11. Social Network Analysis

- Definitions

- The Representation of a Network

- Network Measures

- The p1

12. Dyadic Indexes

- Item Measurement Issues

- Measures of Profile Similarity

- Mean and Variance of the Dyadic Index

- Stereotype Accuracy

- Differential Endorsement of the Stereotype

- Pseudo-Couple Analysis

- Idiographic versus Nomothetic Analysis

- Illustration

13. Over-Time Analyses: Interval Outcomes

- Cross-Lagged Regressions

- Over-Time Standard APIM

- Growth-Curve Analysis

- Cross-Spectral Analysis

- Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling

14. Over-Time Analyses: Dichotomous Outcomes

- Sequential Analysis

- Statistical Analysis of Sequential Data: Log-Linear Analysis

- Statistical Analysis of Sequential Data: Multilevel Modeling

- Event-History Analysis

15. Concluding Comments

- Specialized Dyadic Models

- Going Beyond the Dyad

- Conceptual and Practical Issues

- The Seven Deadly Sins of Dyadic Data Analysis

- The Last Word