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Titles Available as e-Books:
The Art and Science of Child Custody EvaluationsJonathan W. Gould and David A. Martindale
Attachment Theory in Clinical Work with Children: Bridging the Gap between Research and PracticeEdited by David Oppenheim and Douglas F. Goldsmith
Child Abuse and Culture: Working with Diverse FamiliesLisa Aronson Fontes
Foreword by Jon R. Conte
Foreword by Jon R. Conte
Children as Victims, Witnesses, and Offenders: Psychological Science and the LawEdited by Bette L. Bottoms, Cynthia J. Najdowski, and Gail S. Goodman
Clinical Work with Traumatized Young ChildrenEdited by Joy D. Osofsky
Foreword by Alicia F. Lieberman
Foreword by Alicia F. Lieberman
Coaching Parents of Vulnerable Infants: The Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up ApproachMary Dozier and Kristin Bernard
Creative Interventions with Traumatized Children: Second EditionEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Foreword by Bruce D. Perry
Foreword by Bruce D. Perry
Doing Play Therapy: From Building the Relationship to Facilitating ChangeTerry Kottman and Kristin K. Meany-Walen
Fathers and Violence: A Program to Change Behavior, Improve Parenting, and Heal RelationshipsCarla Smith Stover
Foreword by Linda C. Mayes
Foreword by Linda C. Mayes
Fighting Back: What an Olympic Champion's Story Can Teach Us about Recognizing and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse—and Helping Kids RecoverKayla Harrison, Cynthia S. Kaplan, and Blaise Aguirre
Group Trauma Treatment in Early Recovery: Promoting Safety and Self-CareJudith Lewis Herman, Diya Kallivayalil, and Members of the Victims of Violence Program
Helping Abused and Traumatized Children: Integrating Directive and Nondirective ApproachesEliana Gil
Foreword by John Briere
Foreword by John Briere
Make Room for Baby: Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy to Repair Trauma and Promote AttachmentAlicia F. Lieberman, Manuela A. Diaz, Gloria Castro, and Griselda Oliver Bucio
Parents as Partners in Child Therapy: A Clinician's GuideParis Goodyear-Brown
Play in Family Therapy: Second EditionEliana Gil
Foreword by Matthew D. Selekman
Foreword by Matthew D. Selekman
Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis: Fourth EditionEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Play Therapy Interventions to Enhance ResilienceEdited by David A. Crenshaw, Robert Brooks, and Sam Goldstein
Play Therapy: Second Edition: Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by David A. Crenshaw, Anne L. Stewart, and Dee C. Ray
Foreword by Stuart Brown

Foreword by Stuart Brown
Play-Based Interventions for Childhood Anxieties, Fears, and PhobiasEdited by Athena A. Drewes and Charles E. Schaefer
Psychotherapy of Abused and Neglected Children: Second EditionJohn W. Pearce and Terry Dianne Pezzot-Pearce
Psychotherapy with Infants and Young Children: Repairing the Effects of Stress and Trauma on Early AttachmentAlicia F. Lieberman and Patricia Van Horn
Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to ExploreKent Hoffman, Glen Cooper, and Bert Powell
With Christine M. Benton
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
With Christine M. Benton
Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel
Social Work Practice with Children: Fourth EditionNancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas