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Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety: Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, and Chelsea Lynch
Principle-Guided Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: The FIRST Program for Behavioral and Emotional ProblemsJohn R. Weisz and Sarah Kate Bearman
Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents: Third EditionEdited by John R. Weisz and Alan E. Kazdin
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Treatment ManualSabine Wilhelm, Katharine A. Phillips, and Gail Steketee
Cognitive Therapy for Depressed AdolescentsT.C.R. Wilkes, Gayle Belsher, A. John Rush, Ellen Frank, and Associates
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Teaching Mindfulness Skills to Kids and TeensEdited by Christopher Willard and Amy Saltzman
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Foreword by Susan Kaiser Greenland
Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and AdolescentsSara E. Williams and Nicole E. Zahka
Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Adolescents: Nature, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by David A. Wolfe and Eric J. Mash
Treatment Planning in Psychotherapy: Taking the Guesswork Out of Clinical CareSheila R. Woody, Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell, Bethany A. Teachman, and Todd O'Hearn

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