Assessment of Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence
Fifth Edition
Edited by Eric A. Youngstrom, Mitchell J. Prinstein, Eric J. Mash, and Russell A. Barkley
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 27, 2020
ISBN 9781462543632
Price: $95.00 730 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
orderApril 11, 2022
ISBN 9781462550289
Price: $63.00 730 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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“The editors have done a terrific job of producing a fifth edition that is current and cohesive, and that provides strong coverage of both theory and practice. The chapters are all guided by evidence-based practices in child and adolescent assessment, but not to the point of mindlessly adhering to the newest paper in the field—rather, they are conceptually strong at every turn. Instructors will find this work to be a tremendous foundation for lectures as well as an aid to extending students’ knowledge into practice. Practitioners who have been away from the classroom for more than a few years will find it an excellent update and conceptual base for current diagnostic work in the clinic and school.”

—Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and Neuroscience, Texas A&M University; Editor-in-Chief, Archives of Scientific Psychology
“A comprehensive update of a seminal work. Leading experts provide concise, wide-ranging recommendations on assessment of a broad array of disorders in children and adolescents. Using a principles-based approach, each chapter carefully walks the reader through specific steps in the assessment process, with abundant case examples and suggestions for constructing a wisely selected assessment battery. The fifth edition will be a wonderful text for a graduate course on child psychopathology and assessment, an indispensable resource for researchers, and a valuable reference for practicing clinicians. I highly recommend this book!”

—J. Gayle Beck, PhD, Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence, Department of Psychology, The University of Memphis
“Having taught psychopathology and assessment to child and adolescent clinicians, I appreciate having a well-written, user-friendly text to scaffold and simplify my task. Chapters describe each condition and the basic measures the clinician needs, giving attention to necessary psychometrics while remaining readable and engaging. There is also a concerted effort to explain how the various assessment components fit together. The result is a text that is accessible and very informative.”

—Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University
“The fifth edition of this classic text, with an expanded editorial team, is destined to become the reference for the clinical assessment of children and adolescents. The outstanding chapter authors are all top researchers in their fields. Graduate students, clinical researchers, and clinicians will benefit from the book's extensive information and implementation guidance. Consistent with the direction taken in numerous evidence-based assessment initiatives, the contributors have been tasked with presenting instruments and practices that can be used, at minimal cost, in almost any clinical setting. This volume is certain to influence the psychological services provided to children and adolescents; it also sets a new standard against which all subsequent books on evidence-based psychological assessment will be judged.”

—John Hunsley, PhD, CPsych, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

—Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, Emeritus Professor of Educational Psychology and Neuroscience, Texas A&M University; Editor-in-Chief, Archives of Scientific Psychology
“A comprehensive update of a seminal work. Leading experts provide concise, wide-ranging recommendations on assessment of a broad array of disorders in children and adolescents. Using a principles-based approach, each chapter carefully walks the reader through specific steps in the assessment process, with abundant case examples and suggestions for constructing a wisely selected assessment battery. The fifth edition will be a wonderful text for a graduate course on child psychopathology and assessment, an indispensable resource for researchers, and a valuable reference for practicing clinicians. I highly recommend this book!”

—J. Gayle Beck, PhD, Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence, Department of Psychology, The University of Memphis
“Having taught psychopathology and assessment to child and adolescent clinicians, I appreciate having a well-written, user-friendly text to scaffold and simplify my task. Chapters describe each condition and the basic measures the clinician needs, giving attention to necessary psychometrics while remaining readable and engaging. There is also a concerted effort to explain how the various assessment components fit together. The result is a text that is accessible and very informative.”

—Gabrielle A. Carlson, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook University
“The fifth edition of this classic text, with an expanded editorial team, is destined to become the reference for the clinical assessment of children and adolescents. The outstanding chapter authors are all top researchers in their fields. Graduate students, clinical researchers, and clinicians will benefit from the book's extensive information and implementation guidance. Consistent with the direction taken in numerous evidence-based assessment initiatives, the contributors have been tasked with presenting instruments and practices that can be used, at minimal cost, in almost any clinical setting. This volume is certain to influence the psychological services provided to children and adolescents; it also sets a new standard against which all subsequent books on evidence-based psychological assessment will be judged.”

—John Hunsley, PhD, CPsych, School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada