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The Positive Side of Negative EmotionsEdited by W. Gerrod Parrott
Persuasive Communication: Third EditionJames B. Stiff and Paul A. Mongeau
Persons in Context: Building a Science of the IndividualEdited by Yuichi Shoda, Daniel Cervone, and Geraldine Downey
Personality and Psychotherapy: Treating the Whole PersonJefferson A. Singer
Personality in Adulthood: Second Edition: A Five-Factor Theory PerspectiveRobert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa Jr.
Paradigms of Personality AssessmentJerry S. Wiggins
Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Divide between Self and OthersEdited by Bertram F. Malle and Sara D. Hodges
Opening Up by Writing It Down: Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional PainJames W. Pennebaker and Joshua M. Smyth
The Mind in ContextEdited by Batja Mesquita, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Eliot R. Smith
The Millon Inventories: Second Edition: A Practitioner's Guide to Personalized Clinical AssessmentEdited by Theodore Millon and Caryl Bloom
Methods in Social NeuroscienceEdited by Eddie Harmon-Jones and Jennifer S. Beer
Machine Learning for Social and Behavioral ResearchRoss Jacobucci, Kevin J. Grimm, and Zhiyong Zhang
Lying and Deception in Everyday LifeEdited by Michael Lewis and Carolyn Saarni
Introduction to Social Cognition: The Essential Questions and IdeasGordon B. Moskowitz
Interpersonal Perception: Second Edition: The Foundation of Social RelationshipsDavid A. Kenny
Foreword by David C. Funder
Foreword by David C. Funder
Interpersonal CognitionEdited by Mark W. Baldwin
Interdependent Minds: The Dynamics of Close RelationshipsSandra L. Murray and John G. Holmes
Foreword by Harry T. Reis
Foreword by Harry T. Reis
Intensive Longitudinal Methods: An Introduction to Diary and Experience Sampling ResearchNiall Bolger and Jean-Philippe Laurenceau
Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality: Third EditionT. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, and Gary Groth-Marnat