Treating Military ClientsGuilford recognizes the growing need for mental health resources directly addressing the unique experiences of active duty service members, veterans, and their families.
Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents: Second Edition: How to Foster Resilience through Attachment, Self-Regulation, and CompetencyMargaret E. Blaustein and Kristine M. Kinniburgh
Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice: Evaluating and Managing Noncredible PerformanceEdited by Ryan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin
The Wisdom in Feeling: Psychological Processes in Emotional IntelligenceEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Foreword by John D. Mayer
Women's Growth In Connection: Writings from the Stone CenterJudith V. Jordan, Alexandra G. Kaplan, Irene P. Stiver, Janet L. Surrey, and Jean Baker Miller
Working with Emotions in PsychotherapyLeslie S. Greenberg and Sandra C. Paivio