New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Literacy in the Disciplines: Second Edition: A Teacher's Guide for Grades 5-12Thomas DeVere Wolsey and Diane Lapp
Literacy Instruction for Adolescents: Research-Based PracticeEdited by Karen D. Wood and William E. Blanton
Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts: Strategies for Grades 6-12William E. Lewis and John Z. Strong
Foreword by Lyn Long and Bilinda Sikes
Foreword by Lyn Long and Bilinda Sikes
Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners Pre-K-2Diane M. Barone and Shelley Hong Xu
Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades: Word Learning, Comprehension, and Strategy Instruction, Grades 4-8Kevin Flanigan and Latisha Hayes
Foreword by Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
Foreword by Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
Literacy Leadership to Support Reading Improvement: Intervention Programs and Balanced InstructionMary Kay Moskal and Ayn F. Keneman
Literacy Learning Clubs in Grades 4-8: Engaging Students across the DisciplinesHeather Kenyon Casey
Literacy Research Methodologies: Third EditionEdited by Marla H. Mallette and Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Seth A. Parsons
Foreword by Seth A. Parsons
The Literacy Specialist: Fourth Edition: Leadership and Coaching for the Classroom, School, and CommunityRita M. Bean and Virginia J. Goatley
Literacy Teacher Education: Principles and Effective PracticesDeborah G. Litt, Susan D. Martin, and Nancy A. Place
Foreword by Victoria J. Risko
Foreword by Victoria J. Risko
Making Assessment Matter: Using Test Results to Differentiate Reading InstructionNonie K. Lesaux and Sky H. Marietta
Making Sense of Phonics: Second Edition: The Hows and WhysIsabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck
Making Sense of Phonics: Third Edition: The Hows and WhysIsabel L. Beck and Mark E. Beck
Measuring Noncognitive Skills in School Settings: Assessments of Executive Function and Social-Emotional CompetenciesEdited by Stephanie Jones, Nonie K. Lesaux, and Sophie P. Barnes
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Foreword by Timothy P. Shriver
Metacognition, Strategy Use, and InstructionEdited by Harriet Salatas Waters and Wolfgang Schneider
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
Foreword by John G. Borkowski
The Mindful School: Transforming School Culture through Mindfulness and CompassionEdited by Patricia A. Jennings
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Associate Editors: Anthony A. DeMauro and Polina P. Mischenko
Mindful Teaching with Technology: Digital Diligence in the English Language Arts, Grades 6-12Troy Hicks
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
Foreword by Lesley Mandel Morrow
Motivational Interviewing in Schools: Conversations to Improve Behavior and LearningStephen Rollnick, Sebastian G. Kaplan, and Richard Rutschman
Oral Language and Comprehension in Preschool: Teaching the EssentialsLesley Mandel Morrow, Kathleen A. Roskos, and Linda B. Gambrell
Organizing the Early Literacy Classroom: How to Plan for Success and Reach Your GoalsSharon Walpole and Michael C. McKenna
Physical Activity and Learning After School: The PAL ProgramEdited by Paula J. Schwanenflugel and Phillip D. Tomporowski