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Understanding Children's DrawingsCathy A. Malchiodi
Foreword by Eliana Gil
Foreword by Eliana Gil
Art Therapy and Health CareEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Handbook of Expressive Arts TherapyEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Creative Arts and Play Therapy for Attachment ProblemsEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi and David A. Crenshaw
What to Do When Children Clam Up in Psychotherapy: Interventions to Facilitate CommunicationEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi and David A. Crenshaw
Interviewing Children and Adolescents: Second Edition: Skills and Strategies for Effective DSM-5® DiagnosisJames Morrison and Kathryn Flegel
Social Work in Schools: Principles and PracticeLinda Openshaw
Early Start Denver Model Curriculum Checklist for Young Children with AutismSally J. Rogers and Geraldine Dawson
Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism: Promoting Language, Learning, and EngagementSally J. Rogers and Geraldine Dawson
Play in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based ApproachesEdited by Sandra W. Russ and Larissa N. Niec
Essential Play Therapy Techniques: Time-Tested ApproachesCharles E. Schaefer and Donna Cangelosi
Contemporary Play Therapy: Theory, Research, and PracticeEdited by Charles E. Schaefer and Heidi Gerard Kaduson
Collaborative Brief Therapy with ChildrenMatthew D. Selekman
Child-Centered Play TherapyRisë VanFleet, Andrea E. Sywulak, and Cynthia Caparosa Sniscak
Foreword by Louise F. Guerney
Foreword by Louise F. Guerney
Music Therapy Handbook: Second Edition
Edited by Michael Viega, Andeline dos Santos, and Barbara L. Wheeler

Working with Traumatized Youth in Child WelfareEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Social Work Practice with Children: Fourth EditionNancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis: Fourth EditionEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Music Therapy HandbookEdited by Barbara L. Wheeler

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