New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Building Positive Behavior Support Systems in Schools: Second Edition: Functional Behavioral AssessmentDeanne A. Crone, Leanne S. Hawken, and Robert H. Horner
Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Assessment and InterventionPeg Dawson and Richard Guare
Smart but Scattered: Second Edition: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their PotentialPeg Dawson, Richard Guare, and Colin Guare
Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges: Second EditionPeg Dawson and Richard Guare
Resilient Classrooms: Second Edition: Creating Healthy Environments for LearningBeth Doll, Katherine Brehm, and Steven Zucker
ADHD in the Schools: Third Edition: Assessment and Intervention StrategiesGeorge J. DuPaul and Gary Stoner
Foreword by Robert Reid
Foreword by Robert Reid
Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Second EditionEdited by Joseph A. Durlak, Celene E. Domitrovich, and Joseph L. Mahoney
Foreword by Maurice J. Elias
Introduction by Timothy P. Shriver
Afterword by The Weissberg Scholars
Foreword by Maurice J. Elias
Introduction by Timothy P. Shriver
Afterword by The Weissberg Scholars
Essentials of Intensive InterventionEdited by Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Allison Gruner Gandhi, and Louis Danielson
Executive Function Skills in the Classroom: Overcoming Barriers, Building StrategiesLaurie Faith, Carol-Anne Bush, and Peg Dawson
Foreword by Adele Diamond
Foreword by Adele Diamond
The Activity Kit for Babies and Toddlers at Risk: How to Use Everyday Routines to Build Social and Communication SkillsDeborah Fein, Molly Helt, Lynn Brennan, and Marianne Barton
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Second EditionEdited by Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, and Henry S. Roane
Learning Disabilities: Second Edition: From Identification to InterventionJack M. Fletcher, G. Reid Lyon, Lynn S. Fuchs, and Marcia A. Barnes
Organizational Skills Training for Children with ADHD: An Empirically Supported TreatmentRichard Gallagher, Howard B. Abikoff, and Elana G. Spira
The Organized Child: An Effective Program to Maximize Your Kid's Potential—in School and in LifeRichard Gallagher, Elana G. Spira, and Jennifer L. Rosenblatt
Comprehensive Reading Intervention in Grades 3-8: Fostering Word Learning, Comprehension, and MotivationLynn M. Gelzheiser, Donna M. Scanlon, Laura Hallgren-Flynn, and Peggy Connors
Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Second EditionEdited by Sam Goldstein and Sally Ozonoff
Dropout PreventionC. Lee Goss and Kristina J. Hokkanen
Effective Interventions for Social-Emotional LearningFrank M. Gresham
School Neuropsychology: A Practitioner's HandbookJames B. Hale and Catherine A. Fiorello
Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Second Edition: Practical Applications for K-12 and BeyondEdited by Tracey E. Hall, Kristin H. Robinson, and David Gordon
Foreword by David H. Rose
Foreword by David H. Rose
The Power of Peers in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning and Social SkillsEdited by Karen R. Harris and Lynn Meltzer
Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: Third Edition: The Check-In, Check-Out InterventionLeanne S. Hawken, Deanne A. Crone, Kaitlin Bundock, and Robert H. Horner